Current reports

Digi Current Report (18.06.2018)

The settlement of litigations between RCS & RDS S.A. and the Antena Group entities

The settlement of litigations between RCS & RDS S.A. and the Antena Group entities Read more

Digi Current Report (15.06.2018)

Reporting of legal acts concluded by DIGI Communications N.V. in accordance with Law no. 24/2017 and Rule no. 1/2006 of CNVM –May 2018

Reporting of legal acts concluded by DIGI Communications N.V. in accordance with Law no. 24/2017 and Rule no. 1/2006 of CNVM –May 2018 Read more

Digi Current Report (30.05.2018)

The closing of the acquisition by the Company’s Hungarian subsidiary, DIGI Távközlési és Szolgáltató Kft., of the Hungarian telecommunications operator Invitel Távközlési Zrt.

The closing of the acquisition by the Company’s Hungarian subsidiary, DIGI Távközlési és Szolgáltató Kft., of the Hungarian telecommunications operator Invitel Távközlési Zrt. Read more

Digi Current Report (25.05.2018)

Stock option plan meant for the employees and officers of Digi Spain S.L.U. and conditional stock options granted to certain Romanian directors and employees

Stock option plan meant for the employees and officers of Digi Spain S.L.U. and conditional stock options granted to certain Romanian directors and employees Read more

Digi Current Report (18.05.2018)

Conditional stock options granted to several Directors of the Company based on the general shareholders’ meeting approval from 2 May 2018

Conditional stock options granted to several Directors of the Company based on the general shareholders’ meeting approval from 2 May 2018 Read more

Digi Current Report (17.05.2018)

Exercise of stock options in accordance with the stock option plan approved at the level of the Company in 2017 for its Executive Directors

Exercise of stock options in accordance with the stock option plan approved at the level of the Company in 2017 for its Executive Directors Read more

Digi Current Report (15.05.2018)

Availability of Q1 2018 Financial Report (for the three month period ended 31 March 2018) for Digi Communications N.V Group

Availability of Q1 2018 Financial Report (for the three month period ended 31 March 2018) for Digi Communications N.V Group Read more


Digi Communications N.V.’s general shareholders’ meeting resolutions from 2 May 2018 approving, amongst others, the 2017 Annual Accounts

Digi Communications N.V.’s general shareholders’ meeting resolutions from 2 May 2018 approving, amongst others, the 2017 Annual Accounts Read more

Digi Current Report (21.03.2018)

Convocation of the Company’s general shareholders meeting for 2 May 2018 for the approval of, among others, the 2017 Annual Report and of the 2017 Financial Statements

Convocation of the Company’s general shareholders meeting for 2 May 2018 for the approval of, among others, the 2017 Annual Report and of the 2017 Financial Statements Read more

Digi Current Report (19.03.2018)

Announcement on the convocation date for the Company’s GSM approving the 2017 Annual Report. Update to the 2018 Company’s Financial Calendar

Announcement on the convocation date for the Company’s GSM approving the 2017 Annual Report. Update to the 2018 Company’s Financial Calendar Read more

Digi Current Report (12.03.2018)

Amendment to the 2018 Syndicated Facility concluded between the Digi Group and a syndicate of banks partially refinancing the short-term loan from October 2017 (the 2017 Bridge Loan)

Amendment to the 2018 Syndicated Facility concluded between the Digi Group and a syndicate of banks partially refinancing the short-term loan from October 2017 (the 2017 Bridge Loan) Read more


Availability of Preliminary Financial Report for the year ended December 31, 2017 for Digi Communications N.V Group. Digi Communications N.V. informs the shareholders and investors that the Preliminary Financial Report for the year ended December 31, 2017 is available starting 14th of February 2018, 6:30 PM, on the company’s website ( ), at section Investor Relations.

Read more

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